
Showing posts from May, 2018

Lydia Eichler Director/DP Reel and Artist Statement

Lydia Eichler Spring 2018 Director/DP Reel from Lydia Eichler on Vimeo . My mother is a designer and her father is a painter. At one point or another, both of them have tried to teach me how to "do art." But as all artists know, this process is open to lots of learning, but very little teaching. You create, critique, and then create something better. This has very much been my process with film. Using a camera has always seemed pretty frightening to me. Compared to creative processes like writing or directing, or even painting, the task of getting exactly what I wanted to translate onto a tiny screen always seemed like an enormous feat. I've learned, though, it's not necessarily what you make happen inside the camera; it's more of what you create in real life. The camera is simply a tool to capture what is happening in front of you. When I first began applying for colleges, studying film wasn't even on my mind. Through senior year of high school, I w...